Praying for Your Husband


She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.
~Proverbs 31:12

As I iron my husband’s work clothes this morning I say a prayer over him. It is crucial we pray for our spouse everyday. Our husband carries a weight we will never know and the devil is ready at anytime to bring him down (Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Peter 5:8). For he knows if he can take down the husband he can take down the family!

When I pray for my husband I like to start where the biggest battles are fought, their mind. Some of the things I pray for are pure thoughts, discernment and wisdom. I continue down his body and pray for his ears to hear the voice of God in his daily walk with Him. I pray his mouth would be used to encourage and strengthen others. I pray that his shoulders would not carry heavy burdens, but that he would place them in his Father’s hands. When I get to his hands I pray over his job, the company and the role he plays. The heart can also be a place of battle, during this time I pray for our marriage and God’s protection over it. Then I continue on and pray that his legs stay strong so, that his body can continue doing the work God has called for him. Last, but not least, I pray that God guides his feet daily. These are just a few examples of things I pray when talking to the Lord about my husband.

Your prayer doesn’t  need to be the same, just praying over your spouse is the key.

As a teacher leads a class, a sergeant leads men into battle, and a pastor leads a church, so our husbands lead our family.

God help me to continue to be a praying wife. Help us to see the importance of praying for our spouse daily. For as we pray for them, we are praying for ourselves…for we are one. Let us also remember to be thankful for our spouse and their relationship, in your mighty name. Amen.

2 thoughts on “Praying for Your Husband

  1. Amen Bethany! Some wives just don’t understand the power we have in making sure our husbands are covered spiritually by our prayers. Our minds can truly be one of the biggest battlefields, as I can testify to that. Thank you for sharing your heart. This reminder is so edifying to my spirit! Love ya sister!

  2. Pingback: From The Committed Heart

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